By Jim Meridith
Posted: Updated:
    • Service

      Graveside Service
      11:00 a.m.
      Tuesday December 14, 2021
      Little Prairie Cemetery, Albion, IL

    • Full Obituary

      Roy E Longbons, 88, of Albion, Il passed away on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, at Wabash Chrisian Village in Carmi, IL

      He was born on March 24, 1933, in Albion, IL, the son of Edward and Nettie (Fewkes) Longbons. He was Wed in Holy Matrimony to Patricia Conover on January 3, 1954

      Roy served in the United States Army as an instructor in the Fuel and Electric School at the Aberdeen Proving Grounds in Maryland.

      Upon returning to Edwards County, he worked as a mechanic in the local auto dealerships before transitioning to a twenty-year teaching position at Edwards County Senior High School. There Roy taught Auto Mechanics and Small Engines along with life lessons to hundreds of students.

      Roy’s true passion was always farming with his family and his number one priority was serving the Lord as a lifelong member at Little Prairie Christian Church through numerous leadership roles, committees and as a Sunday School teacher for 65 years.

      He is survived in death by his wife Patricia Kay, three children; Phillip Bruce (Trena) Longbons, Brian Edward (Susan) Longbons and Jana Kay (Skip) Miller, six grandchildren; Andrew Longbons, Judd (Brittany) Longbons, Adam Longbons-Koenig, Patricia Saab, Simon (Ashley) Saab, Cecilia (Larry) Michels, and five great-grandchildren.

      Roy is preceded in death by his parents Edward and Nettie Longbons, siblings; James Edward Longbons, Evalyn Bond, Gerald Longbons, Mary Clark, and Doyle Longbons. Roy always noted that many of his fondest memories were working alongside his father and brothers on the farm.

      Graveside Service will be 11:00 a.m. Tuesday December 14, 2021, at Little Prairie Cemetery, Albion, IL.

      Memorials may be made to the Little Prairie Cemetery Fund or the Albion Public Library.

      Interment: Little Prairie Cemetery, Albion, IL, Military rites will be conducted

      Ingram-Meridith Funeral Home, Albion, IL

    Condolences are reviewed and published within 24 hours.

    10 Condolences
    1. Diane Wilson / December 11, 2021 at 1:50 pm

      MY Uncle Roy was a storyteller and teacher of great renown. I looked forward to being in his Sunday School class whenever I could manage and counted it a highlight of my trips from from Colorado back to Illinois. I loved to surprise him, especially for his 80th ( I think) birthday party, when I flew in to be there. I know he enjoys being reunited with his brothers, sisters and parents. HE was a blessing to my life.

    2. Curtis Ingram / December 11, 2021 at 6:53 pm

      Sorry to hear of Roy’s passing.
      You have our sympathy
      Curtis and Dolores Ingram

    3. Jeff Huff / December 12, 2021 at 4:53 pm

      Bruce and Brian so sorry for your loss he was a great 👍teacher and a fine man may God be with you all at this time

    4. Pamela Tucker / December 13, 2021 at 1:28 pm

      Brian & Susan…Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this time of loss.

      God Bless…your Sunday School class.

    5. Danielle Lankford Kimbrell / December 15, 2021 at 9:47 am

      Roy will be so missed! I am glad that he can rest in the Lord now and feel no more pain. Roy was my freshman year study hall teacher and Sunday School teacher for many, many years. I will always cherish our friendship. In Sunday School, he always taught us to hide God’s Word in our heart because one never knew when eyesight might be taken or we might find ourselves in a hostile time or place where Bibles might be prohibited. This came true for Roy when his own eyesight failed. He encouraged us to memorize 1 John 1:8,9. I’ve never forgotten that and have passed that passage on to my elementary youth group for their memory work so the circle remains unbroken. Those verses meant a lot to Roy as he was well aware of his own shortcomings and that he needed the Savior. I enjoyed hearing his stories of working with his brothers and dad on the farm, his days in the service, his courtship with Pat, what it was like being in the service, he and Pat’s early days as parents, and about the high school students that influenced him as much as he did them. Many life lessons in those stories! If anything had a profound effect on Roy, it was the life, illness and death of his big brother, James Edward. I appreciated him sharing about his brother and never forgetting him. Pat and family, you were his pride and joy!

    6. Ellen Sams / December 15, 2021 at 11:18 am

      Remember him telling me about when I was born. He and Uncle Doyle came and stayed at our house to feed the animals and keep the house warm (we had a wood stove in the living room). Yes, it was cold in February that year!! -23 below the day after I was born. Loved hearing his stories. Now he and my dad can catch up. Would love to hear that conversation ❤️❤️❤️

    7. Doug Spencer / December 17, 2021 at 2:41 pm

      Mr. Longbons was one of my favorite teachers in High School. I took his small engine class and two years of auto mechanics. I learned a lot about small engines and cars and trucks plus other life lessons that I have carried with me throughout my life. Rest High Mr. Longbons. Prayers of comfort for the family.

    8. Vera Bunting Vasudevan / December 28, 2021 at 9:23 am

      Roy, you were a great teacher, good person, and I so well remember when your porkers were
      across the road from where we lived.
      The world needs more people like you!!!!

    9. Marilyn. Mann / January 8, 2022 at 8:01 am

      Many good memories of Roy as our Sunday School teacher and he and I teasing each other about “Longbons stubbornness “. I enjoyed listening to the stories he and my Dad would tell when Roy would come to visit Dad.

    10. Tricia & Tom Cater / January 14, 2022 at 11:52 am

      Roy is missed here at LPCC, but I know he’s enjoying the worship of heaven. When we moved here in January2011, I always enjoyed seeing the three brothers (Gerald, Doyle, and Roy) in our carport foyer. There were always great stories and laughs. Roy was a great SS teacher and a good storyteller. My parents were so impressed the first time they visited LPCC and went to Roy’s class. My dad still remembers it to this day.
      I know Roy touched a lot of people in his life, including me, and I’m grateful that I got to know him. I look forward to seeing him again one day. We pray the family continues to feel God’s comfort and peace.
      Tricia & Tom Cater

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