By Jim Meridith
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    • Service

      Private Service

    • Full Obituary

      Patricia Luthe, age 75 of Congerville, IL passed from this life to the next on April 20, 2020 at Advocate BroMenn Medical Center in Normal, IL.

      Patricia was born in West Frankfort, IL on September 30, 1944 to Bernard and Mildred (Fritschle) Kubilski.  She was baptized in the Methodist faith.

      She married Michael Luthe in West Salem, IL on May 20, 1962 and they enjoyed almost 58 years together.

      Patricia was a teacher and spent many years influencing the lives of her students.

      How very difficult to sum up all that she is in just a few paragraphs.   She will be missed!

      She was preceded in death by her parents and a sister, Judith Weber.

      She will be fondly remembered by her husband, Michael, her son Alex (Melissa) Luthe, granddaughter Annika Luthe and a granddaughter that chose her and Michael, Steph Rosenthal.     She will also be remembered by close friends, Mike and Marjorie Rosenthal and a host of nieces and nephews.

      Due to the current COVID-19 restrictions in place, a private graveside service will be held at the Oakhill Cemetery in Parkersburg, IL.   Extended family and friends are encouraged to visit the website to leave fond memories and great stories of their times with Patricia.

      Her wishes were that if anyone felt they needed to “do something”, they should donate to a Mental Health Organization of their choice or donate to their favorite library.

      The Ingram-Meridith Funeral Home of West Salem is honored to be entrusted with the arrangements.






    Condolences are reviewed and published within 24 hours.

    50 Condolences
    1. Leslie Luthe / April 22, 2020 at 8:58 pm

      Michael and Alex , I am so sorry to hear of Pat’s passing. I know the pain of losing a spouse and a mother. No pain could be worse unless losing a child. My funniest memory of Pat was once when Larry and I spent a weekend with you guys. Pat never accepted the fact that I didn’t drink alcohol. She loved her drinks. We went out to some really nice restaurant and she was enjoying some drinks. I believe it was a pina colada. She tried to get me to order one. When I didn’t , she made it her goal to entice me. She said, ” Do you like pineapple “? I said yes. “Do you like coconut ?” I said yes. Well, she could stand it no longer. She stuck it in my hand and said TASTE THIS. haha I did, and it was good. I’ve never had one since. We have to keep hold of the good memories……Love ya. Leslie

    2. Wesley G Benson / April 22, 2020 at 9:00 pm

      Michael, Alex, Melissa, Mike/Marjorie Rosenthal – I am so very sorry for your loss in Patricia! I admire the love that Michael and Patricia have always shared. She will be missed and cherished by many! May God comfort you and your family during this time! – Wes, Yesi and Hannah Benson

    3. John Norlin / April 23, 2020 at 6:03 am

      One of my favorite high school teachers – she touched the lives of many students and will be missed!

    4. Ron Edwards / April 23, 2020 at 9:07 am

      Pat was a wonderful person. We sat in same row at church. Very inspiring person so full of life taken from us. Prayers for her family and friends. She will be deeply missed at Deer Creek UMC. I have no doubt she is at peace with her Lord today.

    5. Paul Peacock / April 23, 2020 at 10:38 am

      I looked forward to her outgoing personality and steadfast opinions as one of her students in the 1980s. As a teacher now, I can honestly say that she helped influence my decision to pursue a career in education. I am sorry for your loss and hope that you can take some comfort knowing that her passion for education was passed on to many of her students.

    6. Sheila E. Bloomquist, MD / April 23, 2020 at 10:46 am

      She was one of my favourite teachers at WCHS 1979-1983. She greatly influenced me through the years. She will be missed. My sincerest condolences to her family

    7. Vera Knapp / April 23, 2020 at 10:53 am

      Michael and Alex
      Bob and I want to offer our condolences. It is hard to believe she is gone. Patricia was a special lady. She was one of the best, most knowledgeable teachers I knew. She was also a caring person and a good friend. She said what she believed and never minced words. We loved the wiener roasts, the Times we went out to eat and of course her potato pancakes and her famous sour cream apple pie.
      I remember the Times we went to St. Louis for a weekend, especially when the car broke down. I remember the parties and in recent years the two anniversary dinners you hosted at Alexander’s Steak House. We were so honored to be included. Remember. She touched so many lives. She will be missed by all.

    8. Shelly (Van Gundy) Hancock / April 23, 2020 at 10:57 am

      My deepest sympathies to the family. Mrs. Luthe was a remarkable woman and wonderful teacher. She made history exciting. She will be missed.

    9. Kris (White) Carius / April 23, 2020 at 11:12 am

      I never had Pat as a teacher but worked at WCHS after graduation. She was always kind to me, always had a smile. You have my sincere condolences.

    10. Marilyn G Dauw / April 23, 2020 at 11:28 am

      Mrs. Luthe was my favorite teacher WCHS 1971. She made history so interesting and you could tell she enjoyed teaching it. It is because of her that I developed a love of history. Condolences to her entire family

    11. James A Stout / April 23, 2020 at 11:51 am

      My sincere condolences to Mike and her entire family.
      I did have Pat as my teacher at WCHS, and yes, she had to flunk me… Not her fault… It was all mine. Regardless, she was an excellent teacher and it was obvious that she loved Mike with all of her heart. She mentioned him in class frequently.
      Pat was loved and highly regarded by her students and colleagues. Even though she was retired at the time, my wife (Lisa) met her at a retirement luncheon and liked her very much.
      Clearly, the world could use more people like Pat Luthe. She will be missed…

    12. Theron Jenner / April 23, 2020 at 12:04 pm

      So sorry for your loss ! Can’t imagine what you are going through.

    13. Jennifer Grogg / April 23, 2020 at 1:37 pm

      So sad for all of you Luthe family. I had her for American history in high school. She was great teacher who made it interesting..she also had a quick wit. She and my mom, Marilyn Drake, taught together and became good friends before Mom passed in 1977. I’m glad I saw her for lunches with retired teachers the last few years. She was always sharing interesting and fun experiences she had on various trips. She will be missed.

    14. Phillip Black / April 23, 2020 at 1:54 pm

      I’m sorry for your loss. She was my favorite high school teacher. I have happy memories of her classes. Not her tests, but classes. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

    15. Jane Farrell / April 23, 2020 at 4:47 pm

      My sincere condolences. Mrs. Luthe was my honors history teacher and always one of my all time favorite teachers. She brought so much energy and enthusiasm to her classroom every day I wish more teachers could be like her. She was an intelligent woman and I greatly respected her.

    16. Shawn Degenhart / April 23, 2020 at 4:54 pm

      One of my favorite teachers! Such fond memories of her big voice echoing throughout the basement at WCHS, “THE BRITISH ARE COMING! THE BRITISH ARE COMING!” Praying for all the family!

    17. Elene Sandorff / April 23, 2020 at 6:09 pm

      I’m so sad to hear about your loss. Pat was such a nice person and a brilliant teacher. She will really be missed.

    18. Elene Sandorff / April 23, 2020 at 6:13 pm

      I am so sad to hear of your loss. Pat was such a nice person and a brilliant teacher My sympathies are with your family.

    19. Caelyn Deeb-Diver / April 23, 2020 at 6:49 pm

      Thank you for sharing “Mrs. Luthe” as she was belovedly known to a multitude of students with those of us privileged to have her as a teacher. She was a truly special woman who was for me a wonderful influence. May all who love her find comfort and joy in knowing she opened many minds and hearts throughout her life. I am a better person for having been given the gift of her tutelage. Godspeed, Mrs. Luthe- keep smiling down on all of us.

    20. Portia Hoffman / April 23, 2020 at 7:52 pm

      Michael and Alex,
      So sorry for your loss. I have great memories of our trip to New York City, probably 20 years ago, with Suz Gustin and Ann Schertz. One stands out, we got on the subway to go visit Suz’s cousin, Bill; however, we didn’t notice that we got on the express instead of the local. When we realized it someone said, “Where are we going?” and Ann said, “I don’t know, but we’re getting there fast!” We had a lot of great laughs and enjoyed Patricia’s knowledge that made her a great tour leader.
      She will be missed, and Michael, my husband, Jim, sends his condolences, also.

    21. Amy Rau-Beintum / April 23, 2020 at 8:47 pm

      Mrs. Luthe, you were an amazing educator. Thanks for making history interesting. Praying for those who love you to have comfort and peace.

    22. Brent Jackson / April 23, 2020 at 9:37 pm

      I want to offer my condolences to Mrs. Luthe’s family and am so sorry to hear of her passing. She was such a passionate teacher and one of my favorites. Tough, challenging, and kind. I’m not sure why, but after being her student over 30+ years ago, I remember this quote.
      “This is not a democracy. It is an enlightened despotism and I am the enlightened one.”

    23. Stephanie Thompson / April 23, 2020 at 9:54 pm

      Mrs. Luthe was an amazing teacher. Her history class was my favorite class all throughout high school. I learned so much from her! She made a lasting impact on me and my life. When I was a junior, she nominated me for a history award and it meant the world to me. I never did get to thank her for that.
      I have been able to take her passion for history and what I learned from her, and now teach it to my own students. Often times, I still hear her voice come out as I teach the things she taught me. Thank you, Mrs. Luthe. For everything.

    24. Deborah Johnson / April 23, 2020 at 10:38 pm

      So sorry to hear of her passing, she was my teacher in 1976. My mom and I were just discussing her the other day.. She opened my eyes to a lot of stereo typing and to not put others into my categories.

    25. Scott Knight / April 23, 2020 at 11:55 pm

      Mrs. Luthe was my favorite teacher at WCHS. She obviously loved to teach and loved the interaction with her students. The world needs more teachers like her. RIP. Blessings and prayers for her family.

    26. Lanny Smith / April 24, 2020 at 6:30 am

      One of my favorite teachers back in the early 70’s! I’m sorry for your loss.

    27. Katherine Ellis (Anderson) / April 24, 2020 at 7:43 am

      My condolences! I know Mrs. Luthe is going to be missed by many! She was a great teacher! Very enthusiastic and not a dull moment in her class! And yes she had a classroom in the basement for good reason her voice carried throughout, There was definitely no sleeping in her class. Haha. I had her for one year and even when I didn’t have her I still learned from her because I heard her over the teacher in the class I was in. The other teachers loved her enthusiasm and listening to her also. She was fun! She willing most definitely be missed and very much loved!

    28. Steve Addler / April 24, 2020 at 7:54 am

      So sorry for your loss. Mrs. Luthe taught me econ in 1968 at WCHS. She was great and I went on to major in econ at Bradley. You don’t always know how you affect other lives. God Bless.

    29. Kelly Bay / April 24, 2020 at 8:25 am

      Mrs. Luthe was an amazing educator! She was brilliant, confident, exciting and truly brought history to life. She let us speak our minds in class and would challenge our thinking. I have only known a handful of people in this world that truly come to life when they’re in the profession they’re meant to be in; she was one of those people. She impacted me greatly and taught me to bring impassioned expression into my work, which has aided me greatly when presenting to groups and students. I will miss her greatly; I’m truly sorry for your loss. As her family, I can imagine you all have a lifetime of vibrant memories with her, what a blessing! God bless, in Christ.

    30. Jennifer Shurtleff / April 24, 2020 at 9:50 am

      Mrs. Luthe singlehandedly taught me how to write! She was a superb history teacher. I am grateful for her quick mind and ability to share her talents and knowledge with me as a high school student. What a wonderful gift she gave to the world in teaching so many young people. My condolences to your family!

    31. JoAnn & Tim Tunt / April 24, 2020 at 10:49 am

      In Celebration of Patricia
      Her name is Patricia, so don’t ever call her Pat,
      If you do she’ll be quick to set you straight on that.
      Strong willed and independent with definite opinions,
      Clearly the queen, reigning in her dominion.
      Politics and world affairs she knows about all that
      Leaning left she tends to vote for mostly democrats.

      A cook supreme, her desserts a very special treat,
      Her entrees magnificent, her meals so good to eat.
      So tantalizingly good her sour cream apple pie
      She once had Farmer Bob raving about it to his tie.
      Canning, cooking and baking different dishes
      You could always be certain they would be delicious.

      Scholar and Historian for thirty years and more,
      Helping her students to higher SAT test scores.
      Few knew their trivia half as well as she
      American chronology her favorite cup of tea.
      Always reading books, nonfiction her first choice
      Her knowledge of the past a well respected voice.

      Upon retiring, her travel became a real priority
      She happily pursued this worldly opportunity.
      Domestic sightseeing and driving vacations
      International voyages to many destinations.
      Traveling the globe, seeing past through present
      Adding to her lore with each exciting new event.

      Wife, Mom and Grandma, she excelled at all three
      Caring and compassionate she always tried to be.
      Patricia will be greatly missed by friends and family
      She’ll be remembered by all of us, so respectfully.
      She made quite a mark and left a positive impact,
      We thank her for allowing us to be a part of that.

    32. Eric Roberson / April 24, 2020 at 10:58 am

      One my favorite teachers. She challenged me daily and I’m a better person for it. It hard to lose good people like her.

    33. Anita Miller / April 24, 2020 at 12:46 pm

      So sorry to hear about Patricia. Got to know you guys when I babysat for Alexander.

    34. jess robson / April 24, 2020 at 1:24 pm

      I loved Mrs. Luthe! Her classes were engaging and she was always passionate to the point that she once(maybe more) banged on the walls in the B-level classrooms and the papers would go flying around. I believe many WCHS students will fondly remember her spirit. May she rest in peace.

    35. Nancy Rumsey "Cuz" / April 24, 2020 at 5:29 pm

      Mike, sending my most sincere condolences. Was very surprised when I saw this notice as I had no idea Pat had been so ill. My heart goes out to you and your son, as well as many prayers for comfort and strength now and for the days to come. I can relate to your loss as my husband died 9 months ago. Time does seem to ease things a little. You will have many good memories to reflect on! That helps.

    36. Josh Marshall / April 24, 2020 at 6:09 pm

      I’m saddened to hear of this news. Mrs Luthe was such an incredible teacher that made you want to be successful to do more. My prayers to her family.

    37. Michael Bayler / April 24, 2020 at 6:44 pm

      Mike and Alex, we are so sorry for your loss. We are sorry that we can not be there tomorrow but we will be thinking of you and your family. I seems just like yesterday with shuffleboard in your basement.

      Thinking of you guys and Pat,

      Love the Baylers – Mick, Beckie, Matt, Dan and Ben

    38. Veda DePaepe / April 24, 2020 at 7:12 pm

      I will so miss Pat. We knew each other since middle school. She shared her stories with me about being a teacher. We talked often. Big Hug to Michael and Alex.

    39. Jennifer Whitaker Kirkham / April 24, 2020 at 10:59 pm

      The power of one. This is a real thing. I didn’t have Mrs. Luthe in class, but her reputation for toughness was well know. A relief, you could say, that I wasn’t in her class. I was not nearly smart enough back then or succinct enough. She would have ate me alive. But I did have the good fortune of our social circles intertwining for a while. Our brief and limited interactions led me on my future path. I wonder if she knew she could do that in such brief dealings. I knew I had never met one before…a feminist. I had not met a woman so unapologetic about it either. She told it like it was. I have nothing but respect and admiration for her and wished I could have thanked her for pointing me in the right direction. I am so sorry for your loss dear family as it indeed will be a void for sure, how could it not be? I hope your memories can comfort you during this time. She was a force.

    40. Craig Weber and family / April 25, 2020 at 11:02 am

      I have been struggling to find the words to express my condolences. As far as memories they began on December 29th , 1961 when I joined our family. Patricia and Michael were, are, and will forever be a part of my heart and soul. Patricia supported me 23 years ago April 20th when I lost my Mother (Patricia’s sister) and has been a conduit between my Mom and me. I let mom know you are coming and to keep an eye open for you so you will be together once again. We are here for you and your family always with our thoughts and prayers.

      Love the Weber’s

    41. Sue Freeberg / April 25, 2020 at 1:22 pm

      Ev and I have known Patricia and Michael since 1972. We were blessed with a wonderful family of colleagues at WCHS. We all mourn the loss of any of the faculty or staff. Patricia was unique and really important in opening her students’ eyes to the possibility of questioning traditions and deciding on their own beliefs and talents. I hope they remember her as they continue to learn about government, economics, and world civilization.

    42. Sara Tennyson Blakely / April 25, 2020 at 6:24 pm

      Mrs. Luthe taught history in the style of a great tv drama. You couldn’t help but pay attention in her class! We were touched to see her at my dad’s memorial service last year. He always enjoyed Mrs. Luthe as a colleague. Condolences to her family.

    43. Barb Wynn / April 26, 2020 at 2:34 pm

      As a secretary at WCHS I appreciated how helpful Patricia was to all of us. She was able to have us join the WEA and we received many benefits and felt respected by the teachers. Having “B” lunch with her for many years I too learned so much from her. I remember so many students commenting about her teaching and how much they enjoyed her classes. She truly was one of the very best at teaching social studies and our students learned so much from her. I have enjoyed having lunch with her monthly with the retirees. She will be missed. My condolences to Michael, and her family.

    44. Kay (Hanson) Tarter / April 30, 2020 at 11:50 am

      Michael and family,
      Our class mate Carol told me about the passing of Patricia. Even though I don’t remember meeting Patricia I send you my deepest sympathy for your loss. I have gone down the road of losing a spouse twice and know the deep loss you are feeling now. Just know God is with you and lean on him during this sad time.

    45. James Jeffers / May 4, 2020 at 8:32 am

      Mrs. Luthe was one of my Favorite Teachers while attending Tri-Valley Jr. High School in the 60’s. She was fun and fair. My deepest sympathy to her family.

    46. Tim railey / May 4, 2020 at 9:59 am

      Had her for history class 1984. She was tuff!!! I missed a class one day and she gave speeches, so I asked if I could see her notes. She chuckled and said sure. ??? We had been discussing banking system of the US. Her notes consisted of “Banking system of the US” !!! All the dates and info came from her head. I had a new found respect for her that day forward! The last couple of years she has been coming in to my store to print off vacation pictures. She had some really nice vacations and seemed to really enjoy the traveling!

      Rip Mrs. Luthe

    47. Margaret Kroepel Herrel / May 4, 2020 at 12:46 pm

      Mrs. Luthe was one of those teachers who makes a life-long impression on her students. She challenged us and kept us engaged through her passion and enthusiasm. She gave me an appreciation for American history that has continued for more than four decades.

      My deepest sympathies to her friends and family. And my thanks to you for sharing her with students throughout the years.

    48. Mary Anne Schierman / May 4, 2020 at 4:38 pm

      Dear Michael and family, Patricia was a terrific volunteer at the McLean County Museum of History. She loved greeting our guests when she was our Receptionist at the main entrance. She was so interesting and full of knowledge. I loved talking to her about books she had read and was reading. We also enjoyed sharing our love of travel. I remember teasing with Michael when he would come to pick her up at the end of her shift. She was a very special person and will be dearly missed. I am so sorry.

    49. Darlene Berry / May 5, 2020 at 11:50 am

      To Mrs. Luthe’s family I pray for God’s peace and comfort for each one of you! Mrs. Luthe is a high school teacher that I will always be grateful that I had her as a teacher. Only had her one year of high school, but she showed a love of history that was contagious. I now love history and before I had her class I wanted nothing to do with history! She also had a big heart. I had her for my first hour class and that year my home life wasn’t easy. I was late to class many mornings. She took the time to ask me why and when she realized what was going on she gave me grace that at that time helped me get through a very hard year. I will always be thankful for her grace and will never forget her commanding voice in the classroom that made you know she was passionate about what she taught. As my older brother said many times, “Don’t mess with Mrs. Luthe!”. She had a passion for what she taught and she wanted every student to get that same passion. She made a difference in my life and my brothers. She will always have a special place in my heart. God’s peace to her family.

    50. Sheila Bloomquist / February 27, 2021 at 2:48 am

      I posted before when I first heard the news. As I mentioned, she was one of my favourite teachers and a great influence on my future. I kept the reading lists from history for years from her US history and economics classes then sadly they were lost in a move. If Alex or someone can somehow retrieve copies of these and even a copy of her masters thesis on the 1850 compromise,I will gladly pay then for the copies and time. May you all stay safe and well. Sheila E. Bloomquist, MD – Dublin, Ireland

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