By Mandi Sakadaris
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    • Service

      A celebration of life will be held on January 21, 2024, from noon to 4:00 p.m. at the Old Wicks Organ Company, Gatsby Room in Highland Illinois. Service begins at 2:00 p.m. 

    • Full Obituary

      James M. Georges Sr, 86, of Highland, IL, passed away peacefully on Sunday, November 26, 2023, surrounded by his family. 


      He was born on September 24, 1937, in St. Louis, Mo, to James Nicholas and Clarisse Catherine Georgopoulos (nee Farina). On November 28, 1964, he married the love of his life, Diona Akins, at Mount Auburn Methodist church in St. Louis, Mo. 


      Jim earned his associate degree at Washington University. He had a 40-year career as a mechanical engineer for McDonnell Douglas/Boeing.


      It's difficult to fully encapsulate who Jim was without writing a novel, but we gave it our best effort. Above all else, Jim valued his family, and his favorite pastime was spending time with them. He passionately and unequivocally loved his wife Diona and showed his sons and daughters his absolute devotion to her.


      As a teenager he took an interest in cars and engines and was a shade tree mechanic who worked on family vehicles performing everything from oil changes to engine rebuilds. Jim volunteered for Habitat for Humanity and the Cultural and Ethnicity board at Boeing. He was an amazing artist known for his beautiful handwriting and poetry. 

      Jim taught his children and grandchildren to love God, respect others, think for themselves, and reverence for all life. He was intentional about connecting with all of his kids, sharing the enjoyment of music including Led Zeppelin, Tool and his favorite, Pink Floyd. He participated in scouting and attended uncounted soccer, baseball, softball, basketball, dance, practices, games, and recitals. He even got a few tattoos. His Junior (Junie) Lightning Bug stories are legendary. Jim taught his children and grandchildren how to repurpose items and had a knack for seeing value in things others called junk. His lessons included the importance of being frugal and the value and satisfaction of hard work. He encouraged his children to find work they enjoyed, supported their choices, and never pushed them to be anything other than themselves. He often worked two jobs when his children were young, so they could attend parochial school and participate in sports, dance and scouting. Jim was loved by all the neighborhood kids and his children felt proud that he was the ONLY dad who would play with them all. 

      Jim never spoke a negative word toward anyone, and is loved by many, including a brother, nieces, nephews, friends, extended family and the friends of his children and grandchildren. Many have shared how he really listened when they were talking to him, made them feel important and heard. Jim’s biggest passion was the right to life for all living beings, especially those most defenseless among us, the preborn, disabled and elderly. This man truly feared spiders, hated them with a passion, yet when one was found in the house, he would gently catch and release instead of killing it. 


      He is preceded in death by his parents, James and Clarisse Georgopoulos; sister, Colleen Sartori; Aunt and uncle Bill and Adele Georgopoulos; Mother-in-law, Nancy Akins, and beloved cousin Ben Messina. 


      Jim is survived by his loving wife of 59 years, Diona Georges: children, Stacie (Greg) Bushong, Mike (Renee) Georges, Krista (Tom) Schoenberger, Dave (Melanie) Georges, Dan Georges and Scott Georges. Grandchildren, Gregory (Haley) Bushong, Marielle Bushong, Maddie Lemp, Jacob Schoenberger, Katie Schoenberger, Hawk Georges, Vas Georges and Falen Georges. Great-grandchildren, Ava, Mariko and Vera and his brother Anthony Georges Sr. 


      As an alternative to flowers, donations to the Vitae Foundation, Birthright St. Louis, or any other pregnancy care center would be a true tribute to Jim and his legacy.


      A celebration of life will be held on January 21, 2024, from noon to 4:00 p.m. at the Old Wicks Organ Company, Gatsby Room in Highland Illinois. Service begins at 2:00 p.m. 

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